Sunday, May 31, 2009

If today was your last day...

Have you heard Nickelback's song, "If Today was Your Last Day"? Listen to it. It's pretty good. Good lyrics and good beat. Pretty much the Carpe Diem theme. Here's a sample of the lyrics at the end of the song:

"If today was your last day,Tomorrow was too late,Could you say goodbye to yesterday?Would you live each moment like your last?Leave old pictures in the past?Donate every dime you have?(Would you, Would you)And would you call old friends you never see..Reminisce memories?Would you forgive your enemies?(Would you, Could you)And would you find that one your dreaming of,Swear up and down to God above,That you'll finally fall in love?(Would you, Would you)If today was your last day"

Here's the link to the video-

Saturday, May 23, 2009

"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity." - Gilda Radner, comedianne from Saturday Night Live

To me, the quote above defines my way of thinking. Things needs to have a place, an order, come in threes. I don't like too much change. I welcome change when it adds excitment, but not when it's inconvenient. However, I think if change were convenient, it wouldn't be much of a change to begin with because I would expect it. So this is something I will work on by doing what I said I'd do in my last blog- concentrate on myself and not worry about what change "might do to me."

Don't know why I'm so serious and contemplative lately. But on a completely unrelated note, here is a pic of Jennifer Love Hewitt. I was just watching this show with her and some ghosts and it was pretty good. She wasn't too bad herself.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Things are happening quickly lately. And they are all strangely connecting and fitting together somehow. What I mean is that I am walking away from a lot of things feeling the same way. For example, I have recently been burning out at work (some of it my fault for not saying no and some of it work's fault for putting things on me all the time) but I have recognized that people just look out for themselves. They have to because no one else will sometimes. Therefore, I left work this week, which was only 3 days, and realized that I NEED to take more time for myself both in and out work. It's the only way to stay sane.

Consequently, I am taking a philosophy class..........long story made short- I walked out of there contemplating a lot about where I am and where I want to be. I realized the only way to get where I want is to do things for myself more often.

In addition, I have trashed my body playing tennis while my back and neck and body still hurt. My coach wants me to play this summer, but I told him no because I need to heal.

Bottom line, you really only live once. Once that's over, you are in the ground or cremated or cryogenically frozen, etc... Who cares what other people want you to do all the time.

I take time for myself by eating Wendy's. People don't want me to eat Wendy's too much because they think I might die of a heart attack by the age of 30... I respond, "Well we're all gonna die of something, I might as well be well fed and doing something for myself at a fine establishment like Dave Thomas' when I finally do pass away." RIP Dave.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Top Ten

Top Ten Things about my Job:

10. Irene saying, "For goodness sake, this computer is so slow," before 9:15 every morning.
9. Listening to Marilyn cackle heartily usually once every half hour.
8. Waiting to see if Caitlin will mention some Twilight reference or show my some pictures I really could care less looking at.
7. Eating all day or going to get coffee/walking to Dotti's house (you know what I mean) every 3 hours.
6. Hearing Lorraine make fun of student stupidity all day long.
5. Oh yea, I guess I should mention the students. I like some of students sometimes.
4. Seeing how many nonsense things people can add to their calendar to make it look like they're doing something.
3. Breaking out the popcorn and the beer and sitting back to watch the SHOW aka Staff Meetings.
2. Re-enactments of events from the Staff Meetings, daily interactions, and horrible impressions of people at the University.
1. Lunchtime trivia. No one takes it more seriously than Susan. There must be silence, focus, full cooperation, and Nebraska questions. An HOUR - sometimes more- of trivia insanity in the hopes of gain fake points that will never get us anything except the glory of being hte great ADVISEME team of all time.

Ok... so the order is debatable. But, I can say this. There is never a dull moment.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First post

I'm trying to be cool and hip with this blogging thing that these young kids have nowadays. I figured I could give you an update every once in awhile. More often than not, I will go on a rant about work, tennis, the Mets, or I'll complain about something. Any suggestions about layout or content, please let me know.